Marginal notes

Archive for March 9th, 2010

After a Year of Tries…

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…and thousands of rabbits I finally got my first dark rabbit fabric. Hopefully I won’t need another year for the second.

Written by Phekla

March 9, 2010 at 12:55 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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Top-10 Places Not to Visit

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While camping at the third most unpleasant place in the World of Twelve I decided to make a list of 10 places I’d love to never visit.

10. Soft Oak and Treechnid dungeons
Many people complain about the maze there, but maze is fine with me, even it takes a lot of time for the whole team to go through it. Once the right path is memorised maze is no longer a problem.
What annoys the most are the rooms where we are transformed into treechnids. I really feel very uncomfortable in a wood body, not to mention I start to look obese.
But I heard a rumour that Gods deigned to answer our prays and decided to transform these dungeons into a nicer place.

9. Minototor Maze
This place wouldn’t be so unpleasant if someone shouldn’t have to die in order to open the way to the inner chambers for others. Even if the death in our world isn’t final it’s still something I always try to avoid, and it’s very painful to see someone sacrificing oneself just to let me inside the maze.

8. Crackler Dungeon
Always crowded with diamond hunters this mountain wouldn’t be in this list if the climbing path didn’t grow narrow closer to the top. One of the top ledges is so narrow that only two at a time people can fight their way up. Well, I know better places to hunt diamonds.

7. Evil Forest
Dark and repulsive, inhabited with bworks, spiders, onis and various night creatures, this forest isn’t nice to travellers, government even hired a guard to prevent adventurers from entering the area. And, of course, trees form a maze to distract anyone heading to Dark Vlad.

6. Sewers
They stink like hell, and no one lives there except rats and weird creatures in squirrel outfits. It’s not a place for a lady!

5. Pet Cemetery
Once it was a very interesting place. You were transformed in a ghost of your dead pet and had to go in this form to the dungeon in order to obtain the Resurrection Powder for your small friend…
Then one day it all changed. Yes, you are still transformed in a ghost, but not the one of your beloved pet, and you still fight angry spirits of pet who died alone, having no one nearby, but strategy is no longer of great importance, brute force will do the work just fine.

4. Gobbal Dungeon
I have been there so many times, I just can’t do it any more.

3. Wabbits Castle and Cawwot dungeon
Do you like carrots and rabbits? I do, but to a certain extent. I definitely don’t like aggressive rabbits, and especially aggressive undead rabbits. Thanks Gods nowadays Rabbit Kings are puny in comparison with their ancestors.

2. Skeunk’s Hideout
Aggressive monsters on the way, aggressive monsters inside, arrogant sadidettes and on top of that hard to get keys.

1. Primitive Cemetry
Absolute winner in my list of the most unpleasant places in the World of Twelve.
It has everything to be hated: you have to die to get there, the monsters inhabiting the area are aggressive, and the scenery is dull and repetitive.
Not enough? Have you ever tried to obtain 20-30 koalak rider skins in a reasonable time? I tried, and I failed.

Written by Phekla

March 9, 2010 at 4:21 AM

Posted in Misc

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