Marginal notes

Archive for March 5th, 2010

Do We Really Need Eni?

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Minotot was scary the last time we were their. It killed all members of our team with furious cruelty. But it was long, long ago… This time it looked somehow smaller, weaker and even a little bit bashful. It spend all the fight behind the backs of its minions and never had a chance to show its anger and true power.
Once again immobilisation and paralysation of the ability to fight worked great. If the keys and the maze weren’t such a pain we could consider making our visits to Minotot regular. But for now we’ll limit them to weekly visits, the same as for Bworker.
Anyway, during almost all dungeon runs we made recently we had from little to no use for eni’s healing power. And it’s the main argument in her rhetoric. Every time we discuss the team needs she tries to prioritise her plans and equipment alleging that her healing abilities are the key to victory. And now it’s clear that it’s not so true. Of course, they are important and help a lot. But, probably, we could do fine without them if we could increase our damage output. It’s something to think about.
I don’t think we should stop to invite eni with us, but, perhaps, it’d be better to focus on upgrading equipment in order to achieve more brute force. I’m still not so sure about it, need to talk to others.

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2010 at 11:40 PM

More Chameleons

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Cra and eni got several new chameleons, including long awaited turquoise, ebony-orchid, and purebred orchid-indigo.
They also say that the dragoturkeys tracking system should be upgraded or they won’t be able to do the paper work properly. I wonder why they need that paper work at all?

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Posted in Breeding

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Sweet Dreams…

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The other day my friend Iop and our company decided to visit the only one dragon lair left in the World of Twelve. The entrance to the lair can be found in one of the first rooms of the Dragons Sanctuary and is protected by relatives of dragons – dragosses. The lair itself is a chain of caves filled with various dragons-like species. The last room and the current “dragon” were our goal.


Crocabulia, that’s the name of the chief there, technically isn’t a dragon, but, probably, one of the closest relatives. And he guards one of the draggon eggs – the red one. Well, there is a rumour it’s not a real dragon egg, but still it’s a powerful and extremely rare artifact. Some people even suggested it didn’t exist in our realm.
We didn’t expect to find a dragon egg, we just wanted to see Crocabulia and, probably, ask it to give us some broken horns of his ancestors. However, I don’t understand why enu would want it, it’s cheap and not needed for any of her planned equips. She told us it would be a good memory about the visit… Old people are full of whims.
As usual the first caves-rooms were passed fast and easily. Their inhabitants have no chance against our company and they prefer to surrender without unnecessary troubles. And when we were half-way to our goal it happened.
Our old lady decided she wanted to sleep. Cra and I tried to talk some common sense into her, but we failed as she fall asleep the next second we started to talk. We had nothing else to do but to set up a camp. We were lucky our friend was a nice and understandable person. He didn’t argue and agreed to wait.
The night was passing very slow. I couldn’t sleep, I was afraid of the cave monsters attacking us absolutely helpless. And even if I wasn’t afraid I hardly could close my eyes. Enu was snoring, if the thunder-like excessively loud sound produced by her throat could be qualified as a snore.
I wasn’t the only one who was impressed with the sound. Dragosses, living there, sat straight on the other side of the room and didn’t move. Even their eyes stopped to blink. There was something in that sound that prevented them from any action whatsoever. No surprise enu was so confident and fall asleep without taking any precautions…

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2010 at 9:03 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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