Marginal notes

Moony Luck

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Yesterday we planned to go to the Minototor Maze, but it didn’t happen as cra refused to go anywhere until she took care of her dragoturkeys. After I heard this I had no doubts we were not going to visit Minotot. Cra talked to our friends and it was decided we would go to Moon instead of Minotot. No objections were raised.
When cra, eni, and sram were done with the birds we set out to the Moon Island. Moon Beach was peaceful and beautiful as always, lit with bright sunshine, washed by the crystal blue sea. Turtles strolled along the edge of the water accompanied by fussy coconuts and skittish palms.
Our friends – sadida and xelor – were already there. I admire their patience and understanding, they never say a word if we postpone some plans or find ourselves busy with something contradicting all previous agreements. I wish I could be like they. Anyway, they were on the Moon Beach waiting for us. Then someone recalled that our another friend panda hadn’t learnt yet Moon Hammer spell and we decided to take panda with us to Moon (Moon is a monkey, by the way, and it’s the only one creature in the world who can teach one Moon Hammer spell).
It appeared panda never was on the Moon Island and couldn’t use normal transportation services, but it wasn’t a huge problem as cra had helmet and wings required for the Moon Island flight ready. In 10 minutes panda arrived to the island. Bah, another problem! Panda had no turtle shells needed to pay for the passage to the Road to Moon. Unfortunately, collecting shells takes some time and must be done by the person going to visit Monkey Boss. We decided to camp on the beach and sleep a bit while panda got ready for the visit. In the morning all the team was ready to go and we left to the Deep Moon Jungle.
Our trip to the Moon’s lair wasn’t marked with something extraordinary. Instead it was a very fast and pleasant one, we even managed to dodge almost all cannibals’ ambushes. The only thing that’s worth mentioning is the capture of cannibal archmonster.

Magic Moon Fabric

Moon was waiting for us. It was bored, no one visited its house for a while and it missed the fun. Monkey was so happy we came, that gave us the whole two magic moon fabrics after the fight. Sadi and I was happy, we didn’t expect this monster to be so generous, and we really need these fabrics for our new equipment. It also promised to give us more fabrics when we come again to play.

Written by Phekla

March 2, 2010 at 8:36 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Equipment

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