Marginal notes

Voracious Monkeys

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Yesterday we almost finished with healing and feeding our zoo, only dragoones and monkeys left. Today we sailed to the Moon island to refill the supplies of monkeys’ food.
If you don’t know monkeys are very picky about the food, they won’t eat just anything, they need leaves and petals of the plants that can be found only on the Moon island. So, after two hours of gathering leaves we fed our poor skinny animal. They ate all the leaves but didn’t return to norm. And they show no syptoms of getting better. Totally exhausted we decided to camp on the beach and continue harvesting tomorrow morning.
The good thing about this trip is that I will finally be able to sew a new hat for me. I was thinking about it for quite some time, but was too busy to collect all the needed materials. And I have a perfect opportunity to finish with it. Wish me luck with the hat.

Written by Phekla

February 11, 2010 at 12:25 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Misc

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