Marginal notes

Dragoturkeys Breeding Basics: Part I

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I just realised how much I write about breeding. But I’ve never written about the basics of breeding. I’m going to make amends for this negligence.

Part I. Obtaining the First Pair

Old Realm

Obtaining the first pair of birds in an old realm is pretty easy — just go to the pet sellrooms and find two non neutered dragoturkeys of desired colour. Of course, some breeds can be harder to find than others, and purebred dragoturkeys can be rare and a bit more expensive than the ones with the mixed trees. However regular market check usually results in finding a desired bird.

New Realm

Things are a bit more complicated in a new realms. Breeding is either non-existent or monopolised by a small group of people. All dragoturkeys on sale (if any) are neutered, overpriced, and belong to low generations. Pretty much the only way to obtain a breedable pair is to tame some wild dragoturkeys.

Learning a Taming Spell

Kaliptus Flower
Kaliptus Leaf

Taming is not as easy as it may sound and requires some preparation. First of all, kaliptus flowers and leaves should be collected, 50 of each. Oshar Marif will be glad to teach you a mount taming spell in exchange for this plants, which he needs for his herbal tea. I have no idea why he wants others to bring the ingredients for this tea. He lives in the Koolich’s estate and should have access to them. I guess he is as lazy as one sadida I know… Anyway, in order to talk with Oshar the would-be breeder should go through the caves full of cave gobbals (a special breed of these fluffy creatures, much more dangerous and unpleasant than their relatives in Taneila), encounter various koalaks and Koolich himself. And, of course, before it all becomes possible the adventures must find their way through Wild Canyon, which can be incredibly annoying if they can’t dodge aggressive monsters.

Koolich is not that hard to defeat if the team is able to deal with cave gobbals fast, when buffed by their master these creatures can run fast and hit hard. It’s also important to avoid being linear to old smoker as he can attract the victim and transform her into a gobkool (unfortunately harmless).

I believe the best strategy for this dungeon is to rely on my favourite immobilisation. It can be done two ways: real immobilisation using spells (sadida and cra will be the best for this task) or blocking the movements by surrounding Koolich with summons. As Koolich can’t deal damage (I heard he was a pacifist) any summon will do. The former method is still better, as nothing will be blocking the sight and everyone will be able to hit Mr. Pacifist. However, the second method works pretty good if the team relies on 3-4 heavy hitter.

Capturing a Wild Dragoturkey

Simple Capturing Net

When the taming spell is aquired it is time to capture some birds. Wild dragoturkeys live on Koalak Mountain and in Amakna, Scaraleaf Plain. Scaraleaf plain seems more accessible, but golden dragoturkeys can’t be found there and any breeder will won’t (and need) to have them.

Taming spell is not the only condition to capture a wild mount. A caster should also have simple capturing net equipped (it is easily obtainable — Smakko, near Breeder’s Village zaap sells nets for reasonable 10 kamas). Also the caster should not have any mount following, i.e. each captured dragoturkey should be placed to a shed before attempting to tame another one.

Wild ginger and almond dragoturkeys aren’t a real challenge. It is not so for wild golden dragoturkey. This mount is a local boss, it’s faster than the others, has much more stamina and agility. Immobilising with spells is impossible (even with the all sadida team), and the only way to do it is to surround it. Surrounding is the best tactics, as dragoturkeys can unbewitch spells increasing range and tend to run away.

Needless to say that taming spell doesn’t guarantee mount’s capture from the first try. Several attempts may be needed to achieve a result. Therefore it is better to attack big dragoturkeys groups and have as many people with the spell and nets as possible — the chances to tame a mount significantly will be significantly higher.

The more mounts are captured the faster breeding will go, so I would recommend not to stop after 2-3 captured mounts. It is also important to remember that wild dragoturkeys, unlike domesticated ones, can be mated only once. One more moment to consider is inability to determine the dragoturkey’s gender prior to its taming. A beginner breeder should be prepared to spend quite some time fighting birds.

Written by Phekla

January 19, 2011 at 4:19 AM

Posted in Breeding, Strategy

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